
Jung-Tsung Tsai received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from National Tsing-Hua University and National Taiwan University, Taiwan, in 1985 and 1987, respectively, and the Ph. D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of California, San Diego, in 1995. He served as a second lieutenant in Taiwan Marine Corps from 1987 to 1989. He was a lecturer in the Department of Electronic Engineering, Kuang-Wu Institute of Technology, Taipei, from 1989 to 1991. He was a Teaching Assistant from 1992 to 1993 and a Research Assistant from 1993 to 1995 and a Postdoctoral Researcher from 1995 to 1996 in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla. He worked in the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Hsinchu, Taiwan, as a researcher developing web-based network management tools from 1996 to 1997. He joined the faculty of National Taiwan Normal University in 1997, where he is currently a professor in the department of computer science and information engineering. His research interests are in the areas of opportunistic scheduling, switching, routing, mobility management, and power control.


Office: room #502

Tel:   +886-2-77346682




Research interests:

-        Cellular networks

Opportunistic multicast scheduling and network coding; Proportional fair scheduling and power control; Mobility management

-        Ad Hoc or Sensor networks

Geographic routing, MAC

-        Optical networks

Switching in time-based network, routing in WDM

-        Stochastic schedule and performance analysis

-        Rate adaptation



Communication Network Lab at Room 211

-        Protocol design (for network layers 1, 2, 3, or 4)

-        Network Simulations

-        Performance analysis (Stochastic system or Queueing analysis)



Projects funded under grants from MOST (or NSC) of Taiwan:

-        2017~2018,  Adaptive cooperative-rotational sweep schemes for geographic routing in realistic wireless networks

-        2016~2017,  Cooperative rotational sweep schemes for geographic routing in realistic wireless networks

-        2015~2016,  Snell¡¦s law and routing in wireless networks

-        2014~2015,  Geographic routing based on position and representative angle information in wireless networks

-        2013~2014,  Weighted-greedy geographic routing in wireless networks

-        2012~2013,  Joint coding and rate scheduling for time-sensitive multicast traffic delivery in one-hop wireless

-        2011~2012,  Transmission rate scheduling and optimal transmission stopping time for time-sensitive multicast in a single hop wireless network

-        2010~2011,  Opportunistic multicasting with controllable  transmission reliability

-        2009~2010,  Opportunistic scheduling for multicast information streaming over wireless forward link




Teaching courses:

-        Computer networks, Queueing theory, Local area networks, Linear algebra.

-        Advanced computer networks, Wireless communications, Computer communications, Probability, Advanced Calculus, Mathematical statistics, Stochastic processes in the past.






Research articles:

1.     J-T Tsai and Y-H Han, ¡§A cooperative rotational scheme to bypass network holes in wireless geographic routing,¡¨ submitted, 2019.

2.     J-T Tsai and Y-H Han, ¡§Cooperative rotational sweep schemes for geographic routing,¡¨ in Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 23-27, 2016.

3.     J.-T. Tsai and Y.-H. Han, ¡§Alternative forwarding strategies for geographic routing in wireless networks,¡¨ to be published in International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing. (DOI: 10.1504/IJAHUC.2016.10001854)

4.     J.-T. Tsai and Y.-H. Han, "Geographic routing with enhanced local information for wireless networks", Journal of Information Science and Engineering, vol. 32, No. 5, Sept 2016, pp 1261~1288.

5.     J.-T. Tsai, ``Transmission rate scheduling and stopping time for time-sensitive multicast stream in cellular networks,¡¨ IEEE Trans. Wireless Commu., vol 13, no. 4, April, 2014, pp 1754~1765.

6.     J-T Tsai and Y-C Li, ¡§Quasi-greedy Geographic Routing in Wireless Networks¡¨, in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM 2012, Anaheim California, pp. 26-31, Dec. 2012

7.     J.-T. Tsai and R. L. Cruz, ``Opportunistic multicast scheduling for information streaming in cellular networks,¡¨ IEEE Trans. Wireless Commu., Vol. 10, NO 6, June 2011, pp 1776~1785.

8.     Áª@­Û¡B«À¥c¬ü¡Bµ£¯®Þ³¡B½²ºa©v, ``¾÷·|¦¡µL½u¦ê¬y¸s¼½¤U¸üªº¤À¸s±Æµ{ªA°È¡¨, in National Symposium on Telecommunications, Dec. 2010.

9.     J.-T. Tsai, ¡§State-dependent proportional fair scheduling algorithms for wireless forward link data services,¡¨ in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2008, Phoenix, AZ, April 13-18, 2008.

10.  J.-T. Tsai and H.-C. Hsieh, ¡§Adaptive antenna power level control for wireless forward link data services,¡¨ in Proc. IEEE WCNC 2006, vol. 3, pp 1614¡X1619, Las Vegas, April 2006.

11.  J.-T. Tsai and C.-H. Lien, ¡§A light path allocation strategy for fair routing in WDM networks,¡¨ Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 585-596, Sept. 2003.

12.  J.-T. Tsai, ``Distributed dynamic channel allocation with handoff priority in cellular communication networks,¡¨ Journal of the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp.413-429, Nov. 2003.

13.  J.-T. Tsai and H. H. Hsiao ¡§Performance of movement-based location update and one-step paging in wireless networks with sparsely underlaid microcells,¡¨ in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM2001, vol. 1, pp. 642¡X647, San Antonio, Nov. 2001

14.  J.-T. Tsai, ¡§A Prioritized Handoff Local-Packing Distributed Dynamic Channel Allocation Algorithm for Cellular Networks,¡¨  in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, vol. 1, pp. 250¡X255, San Francisco, Dec, 2000.

15.  J.-T. Tsai and R.L. Cruz, ¡§Architectures for Optical Time-based Traffic Regulator,¡¨ in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM¡¦99, vol. 1B, Rio De Janeiro, pp. 1002-1006, Dec. 1999.

16.  J.-T. Tsai, ¡§Architectures of 2-to-1 COD Multiplexers for Asynchronous Packet Arrivals,¡¨ in Proc IEEE BSS'97, pp.106-111, Dec. 1997.

17.  H.G. Rao, A. L. Kellner, J.T. Tsai, R. L. Cruz and P. K. L. Yu, ¡§Performance of the COD: A Transparent Optical TDM Statistical Packet Multiplexor for Scalable Terabit Networks,¡¨ Fiber and Integrated Optics, Vol. 16, No. 2., April 1997, pp.181-197

18.  R.L. Cruz and J.T. Tsai ¡§COD: Alternative Architectures for High Speed Packet Switching,¡¨ IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking, vol. 4, no. 1, Feb. 1996, pp. 11-21.

19.  Y.D. Lin, C.H. Lin, P.N. Chen, J.-T. Tsai, et. al, ¡§A Network-Centric Computing Platform for Service Creation and Operations,¡¨ in Proc. CSIA¡¦97, pp.274-285, April, 1997.

20.  P.N. Chen, C.S. Wu, J.H. Lin, M. H. Lin, J.-T. Tsai, M. Choy, B.S. P. Lin, ¡§Implementing Service Creation Concept in ATM Enterprise Networks for Multimedia Broadband Services,¡¨ in Proc. ICOIN 11, 3A-3.1~3A-3.8, Jan. 1997.

21.  J.-T. Tsai, M.H. Lin, J. H. Lin, R. Tsai, B.S. P. Lin, P. N. Chen and S. G. Jiang, ¡§Realizing a Web-based Java-coded Remote Network Monitoring(RMON),¡¨ in Proc. ICOIN 11, pp. 1D-3.1~1D-3.7, Jan. 1997.

22.  H. G. Rao, A. L. Kellner, J. T. Tsai, R. L. Cruz, P. K. Yu, ``Performance of the COD statistical packet multiplexor using optical loss compensation,¡¨ in Proc. SPIE, vol. 2919, pp. 2-10, Nov. 1996.

23.  H. G. Rao, A. L. Kellner, J. T. Tsai, R. L. Cruz, P. K. Yu, ``Performance of an optically transparent TDM statistical multiplexor for scalable bit-rate independent networks,¡¨ in Proc. SPIE, vol. 2690, pp. 109-117, May 1996.

24.  H.G. Rao, A.L. Kellner, J.-T. Tsai, R.L. Cruz and P.K.L. Yu, ¡§COD: A Transparent Optical Time-Division Multiplexer at 1.3mm for Scalable Multigig bit Multimedia Networks,¡¨ in Proc. IEEE LEO Conf., 1995.

25.  R.L. Cruz and J.-T. Tsai, ¡§Architectures for Lightweight Buffered Packet Switches,¡¨ in Proc. 32nd Annual Allerton Conf. On Communication, Control and Computing, pp. 245-253, 1994

26.  R.L. Cruz and J.-T. Tsai, ¡§COD: Architecture for Optical Time-based Multiplexers,¡¨ in Proc. 31st Annual Allerton Conf. On Communication, Control and Computing, pp. 345-354, 1993.







Reports and Miscellaneous works:  

1.     1.     J.-T. Tsai, 2018/Oct., ¡§Adaptive cooperative-rotational sweep schemes for geographic routing in realistic wireless networks,¡¨ MOST report for MOST 106-2221-E-003 -005.

2.     J.-T. Tsai, 2017/Oct., ¡§Cooperative rotational sweep schemes for geographic routing in realistic wireless networks,¡¨ MOST report for MOST 105-2221-E-003 -003. (The report had been published in IEEE ICC 2016, with the title ¡§Cooperative rotational sweep schemes for geographic routing¡¨)

3.     J.-T. Tsai, 2017/Aug. 17-18, ¡§¹ê»ÚµL½uºô¸ô¤¤ªº¦X§@¦¡´`Àô¾î±½´X¦ó¶®|¤èªk,¡¨poster session for MOST 105-2221-E-003 -003 -, ¼ê´ò(¼ê´ò¬ì§Þ¤j¾ÇÁ|¿ì), 2017 IEEE Taiwan/Hong Kong Joint Workshop on Information Theory and Communications (2017 IT&COM workshop)

4.     J.-T. Tsai, 2016/Oct, ¡§Snell¡¦s law and routing in wireless networks,¡¨ MOST report for MOST 104-2221-E-003-012.

5.     J.-T. Tsai, 2016/Aug 18-19, ¡§§é®g©w²z»PµL½uºô¸ôªº¸ô¥Ñ¶®|¡¨poster session for MOST 104-2221-E-003 -012 -, ·ËÀY(¥x¤j¹q¾÷Á|¿ì), 2016-ITCOM workshop.

6.     J.-T. Tsai, 2015/Oct. ¡¨ Geographic routing based on position and representative angle information in wireless networks,¡¨ MOST report for MOST 103-2221-E-003 -005. (The report is to be published in Journal of Information Science and Engineering, with the title ¡§Geographic Routing with Enhanced Local Information for Wireless Networks¡¨)

7.     J.-T. Tsai , 2015/Aug 20-21, ¡§°ò©ó®y¼Ð¦ì¸m»P¯S¼x¨¤«×¸ê°TªºµL½u´X¦ó¸ô¥Ñ¨ó©w,¡¨ Poster session for MOST 103-2221-E-003 -005 ¡V ·s¦Ë¥_®H¡u³Â¥¬¤sªL¡v

8.  J.-T. Tsai, 2015/Jan 22-23, ¡§Geographic Routing based on Position and Representative Angle Information in Wireless Networks,¡¨ Poster session for MOST 103-2221-E-003 -005 ¡V  (ªá½¬»·¶¯®®¨Ó¤j¶º©±, ªFµØ¤j¾ÇÁ|¿ì)

9.     J.-T. Tsai, Geographic routing with enhanced local information for wireless networks, an invited talk at ICE/NTHU, April 24, 2015 and also in EITA-New Media 2013, Nov 23-24.

10.  J.-T. Tsai, 2014/Aug 21-22, ¡§Weighted greedy geographic routing in wireless networks,¡¨ Poster session for NSC 102-2221-E-003-001(¥x¥_¬ì§Þ¤j¾Ç®Õ¤ºÁ|¿ì)

11.  J.-T. Tsai, 2014/Jan. 23-24, ¡§Weighted greedy geographic routing in wireless networks,¡¨ Poster session for NSC 102-2221-E-003-001(°ª¶¯¼á²M´ò¶ê¤sHotel, °ê¥ß°ª¶¯®v½d¤j¾ÇÁ|¿ì)

12.  J.-T. Tsai, 2013/Aug. 15~16, ¡§Joint coding and rate scheduling for time-sensitive multicast traffic delivery in one-hop wireless systems¡¨ Poster session for NSC 101-2221-E-003-006, Tainan (´¿¤å¤ô®w¤sªÜ»THotel)

13.  J.-T. Tsai, 2012/Oct. ``Transmission rate scheduling and optimal transmission stopping time for time-sensitive multicast in a single hop wireless  network,¡¨ NSC report for NSC 100-2221-E-003-019 (The full version of this article was submitted to IEEE Trans. Wireless Commu., Oct. 8, 2012 [NSC 101-2221-E-003 -006 -, NSC 100-2221-E-003-019]).

14.  J-T Tsai and Y-C Li ¡§Quasi-greedy Geographic Routing in Wireless Networks¡¨, in a Poster session of NST 2012, Nov. 2012, ¹ü¤Æ, as a project report in part for NSC 100-2221-E-003-019. The full version of this report was in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM 2012, Anaheim California, pp. 26-31, Dec. 2012  (NSC 99-2221-E-003-001 and NSC 100-2221-E-003-019, NSC 101-2221-E-003 -006)

15.  J-T Tsai, 2011/Oct. ¡§Opportunistic multicast scheduling with controllable transmission reliability,¡¨ NSC report for NSC-99-2221-E-003-001.

16.  J-T Tsai, 2010/Oct. ¡§Opportunistic scheduling for multicast information streaming over wireless forward link,¡¨ NSC report for NSC-98-2221-E-003-010.

17.  J.-T.Tsai, ¡§State-dependent proportional fair scheduling algorithms for wireless forward link data services¡¨ an invited talk at CSIE/NCU, Oct 29, 2008.

18.  J. ¡VT. Tsai, ¡§Media access alternatives in cellular networks,¡¨ an invited talk at CS/NCCU, Nov 12, 2007

19.  J. -T. Tsai, 2005/Oct., "Joint channel-aware and transmitter diversity scheduling strategies for wideband CDMA forward-link elastic traffic services (1)," NSC report for NSC 93-2213-E-003-007.

20.  J. T. Tsai, 2004/Aug, ¡§Traffic control and mobility tracking in broadband wireless: exploiting path-loss and slow fading channel information for power control and/or measurement,¡¨ NSC report for NSC 92-2218-E-003-002.

21.  J. T. Tsai, 2003/Aug, ¡§Traffic Control and Mobility Tracking in Broadband Wireless Communications,¡¨  NSC report for NSC 91-2213-E-003-007

22.  J. T. Tsai, 2002/Aug, ¡§A traffic controller for use in the base station of Broadband Wireless Systems," NSC report for NSC-90-2213-E-003-003.

23.  J. T. Tsai. 2002/Feb 23, ¡§Movement-based mobility tracking in multitier PCS networks,¡¨ an invited talk at Spring Workshop on Information Theory and Communications, 2002, National Chi Nan University. (NSC-90-2213-E-003-003).

24.  J. T. Tsai, 2001/Aug.,``Distributed Light-Path Control and Management in WDM Networks,¡¨ NSC report for NSC-89-2213-E-003-009

25.  J. T. Tsai, 2000/Sept.,``Routing and Wavelength Assignment in WDM Networks: Connection Fairness and Performance Dynamics,¡¨ NSC report for NSC-89-2213-E-003-004

26.  J. T. Tsai, 2000/April 14, ¡§A prioritized handoff local-packing distributed dynamic channel allocation strategy for cellular networks,¡¨ an invited talk at IIS-ACADEMIA SINICA. (NSC-89-2213-E-003-004)

27.  J.T. Tsai, 1999/October, ¡§WDM Wavelength Routing and Time-based Multiplexing for Transparent Optical Wide-area Networks,¡¨ NSC report for NSC-88-2218-E-003-001.

28.  ½²ºa©v ¡§¤K¤Q¤K¦~«×¤j¾Ç°|®Õ³q°T±Ð¨|§ï¶i­p¹º¡X°Ï°ìºô¸ô¡¨ ±Ð¨|³¡ 88-°Ï°ìºô¸ô-±Ð§÷-38.

29.  J.T. Tsai, 1998/October,"Strategies for Routing and Wavelength Assignment over Wide-area Optical WDM Networks," NSC Report for NSC-87-2218-E-003-002.

30.  ½²ºa©v,³¯§B¹ç,µ{ªv,³¯«T¨},ªL»Ê§»,ªL«T§»,½²¨N,ªLÄ_¾ð, 1997/January,¡§À³¥Î©óºôºÞªººô°ì¥æ½Í¦¡¹Ï§ÎÅã¥Ü¬É­±,¡¨ CCL Technical Journal, pp. 75-81.

31.  J. H. Lin, H. R. Lan, M. H. Lin, J. T. Tsai, 1997/June, "Design of Web-based Java-coded Server Management System,¡¨ CCL Technical Report.

32.  J. T. Tsai, et. al , 1997/January, ¡§Design of Multimedia Service Management Architectures over ATM Networks,¡¨ CCL Technical Report.

33.  J. T. Tsai, et. al., 1996/November, ¡§The Software Requirement Specification of USI Server Management System,¡¨, CCL Technical Report.




MS Graduates and thesis titles

1.     ³¯x¦w, Beaconless Routing with Regressive Recovery in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,¡¨ 2019.

2.     ³¢x§Ê, Joint Rate Scheduling and Coding for Multicast in Single-Hop wireless Networks, 2016.

3.     M. Durasic, An Adaptive Energy-efficient Beaconing Mechanism for Geographic Routing, 2014.

4.     ³¯x¤¯, Opportunistic Scheduling for Multicast Messages of Finite Length in OFDM wireless systems, 2014.

5.     ³¯x´@, Two-layer Network Code for Multicast, 2012.

6.     ¾¤x¦¨,Geography Routing with Dead-end Reduction in Ad-hoc Networks, 2011.

7.     ¦óx¼z, Improving Reliability by using Network Code in Wireless Sensor Networks, 2011.

8.     §õx¿Ù,RSS-Based Distance Estimation under LoS and NLoS Communications, 2011.

9.     ±ixÂí,Depth-Based Multipath Routing for Three Dimensional Underwater Sensor Networks, 2010.

10.  «Àx¬ü,Transmission Rate Scheduling for Time-Sensitive Multicast in a Single Hop Wireless Network, 2010.

11.  ÁÂx­Û,Opportunistic Multicast Scheduling for Wireless Downlink Stream Service, 2009.

12.  ¸­xÂE,An Energy-Efficient Communication Protocol using Spatial Group for Wireless Sensor Networks, 2009.

13.  à©x¾Ç,Packet Scheduling in WDM Star Optical Networks, 2008.

14.  µ£xÞ³,Multicast Scheduling for Wireless Forward Link Stream Services, 2008.

15.  ªLx½÷,Scheduling-Aware Power Level Control for Wireless Forward Link Data Services, 2008.

16.  ¶Àx¸Ö, SINR-based Admission Control strategies for Wireless Forward Link Data Services, 2007.

17.  §fx¿«, Load-aware Antenna Power Level Control for Wireless Forward Link Data Services, 2005.

18.  ¼Bx§Ó, Joint Packet Scheduling and Antenna Power Level Control for Wireless Forward Link Data Services, 2005.

19.  ½²x§g, Regulating Forward-link Elastic Traffic in Wideband Wireless Networks, 2004.

20.  ÁÂx¬Ã, Adaptive Antenna Transmission Power Control for Wireless Forward Link Data Services, 2004.

21.  ³\x¹ü, Multicast Scheduling with Efficient Buffer Sharing in Single-Hop WDM Network, 2003.

22.  ¯Îx¨Î, Mixed mode location tracking for users with some Markovian mobility behaviors in wireless network, 2002.

23.  ³¯x¼á, Soft Handoff Handling Based on the Delayed resource Reservation Scheme, 2001.

24.  §õx»¨, Scheduling in wireless network: A weighted round robin approach, 2001.

25.  ¿½x¦Z, Movement-based location update in wireless networks with sparse microcell overlays, 2000.

26.  ³¯x¦Ð, Prioritized handoff dynamic channel allocation in hierarchical cellular systems, 2000.

27.  ³¯x¬ü,An integrated GPS-based scheduler for time-sensitive and loss-sensitive traffic, 1999.

28.  ³sx·×, Fair routing in WDM all-optical networks, 1999.




Undergraduates and project topics:

1.  ³\x³Í, ¡§Topic ?¡¨, 1998

2.  ¸­x¹Å¡B»¯xº÷, ¡§? Network management¡¨, 1998.

3.  ²øx¹F¡B¬Ix¦¨¡BÃCx¼w, ¡§? Remote network management¡¨, 1999.

4.  µ£xµÓ¡B³¯x¦p¡B¬xx´@, ¡§Topic ?¡¨, 1999.

5.  ¯Îx¨Î¡B¼ïx¶h¡B¶ÀxµÙ, ¡§Topic ?¡¨, 2000.

6.  ³¯x¬Ã¡B¼BxµÓ¡B¸·x¥¿, ¡§Topic ?¡¨ 2001

7.  µ{x¦p¡B®}x´Ù¡B¤ýxµ×, ¡§Topic ?¡¨, 2001

8.  ¾Gx´­ ¡§Topic ?¡¨, 2001.

9.  ³¯x«Â ¡§? Discover Network topology¡¨, 2002

10.¥­xÅáB ÄYx»ñ¡B³¯x¥ç¡B ¼Bx­Å, ¡§»·ºÝºô路³]³ÆºÊ±±º[ªñºÝ«Ê¥]¤ÀªR»P流量²Î­p¤§¨t²Î¶}µo»P¾ã¦X¡¨,  (±Ð¨|³¡¤E¤Q¤T¾Ç¦~«×¤j±M®Õ°|³q°T¬ì§Þ±MÃD»s§@ÄvÁÉ(¤j±M²Õ) Àò¼ú), 2005

11.°ªx¦w¡B ·¨x´@¡B·¨xºð¡B ¬Ix§g, ¡§Network Management Monitor ¤§ TCP Congestion Control¹Ïªí¤§Ã¸»s»P±´°Q º[ ÄdºIÂà±µTCP,¡¨ 2006.

12.¶Àx´@¡B ªòx´¸¡B³¯x¦p ¡B¾Gx¤å, ¡§Network Management Monitor ¤§ºIÂ_»PÂà±µTCP,¡¨ 2007.

13.¿½xªÚ¡B§dx·O¡BÃCx²b, ¡§Wireless Access Point Management and Configuration data Analysis,¡¨2008.

14.¾Hx¦t, ¡§¹H¤Ï¨ó©w¦a§}ªº«Ê¥]¹ïºô¸ôªº¼vÅT,¡¨2011.

15.·¨x¥°¡B¾Gx§Â, ¡§µL½uºô¸ô¨Ï¥ÎªÌ°lÂÜ¢w¥H®v¤j¨«´Y¬°¨Ò,¡¨ 2011

16.ªLx¼ä¡B®]xµY, ¡§Quasi-greedy Geographic routing¦b¤£¦Pºô¸ôÀô¹Ò¤U¤§¬ã¨s,¡¨ 2012.

17.¼Bxµ¾¡B¶Àx³ó, ¡§The visualization of routing process in ad hoc networks,¡¨ 2017.

18.ÃCxÀM, ¡K, 2019-Spring



Members joining Communication Network Lab:

-        Postgraduates or PhD students with some backgrounds in Probability and/or Stochastic Process, sufficient knowledge in Computer Networks and/or Communication Theory/System and some capability in one major programming language (C, C++, ¡K)

-        New graduates with some background in probability and in one major programming language (C, C++, ¡K)




YungSun Fall (¶³´ËÂr¥¬) after dawn.



A view of Taipei area, from the top of northern Taiwan (H2130) by dusk.