公告日期 | 標題 | 瀏覽人次 |
2012-03-14 | 電腦象棋的回顧與前瞻 | 84 |
2012-03-08 | 雲端時代之軟體服務與系統開發 | 84 |
2012-03-07 | Intelligent Region-based Thresholding for Color Document Images with Highlighted Region | 84 |
2012-02-29 | Real-Time Generation of Orthographic-View Surround Images of a Vehicle and Its Application : Automatic Parking System | 84 |
2012-02-23 | 歡迎同學踴躍報名2/23(四)15:30企業講座-「我是成功的新鮮人」 | 84 |
2012-02-23 | 歡迎同學踴躍報名2/23(四)14:00企業講座-「面對職場、迎接挑戰」 | 84 |
2012-02-22 | Research to Reality: Applying Concepts to Practice | 84 |
2012-01-06 | 英國諾汀翰大學(The University of Nottingham )校園宣傳及交換學生介紹座談會 | 83 |
2011-12-31 | 100學年度第一學期碩博班專題演講時程 | 85 |
2011-12-28 | Reliability and Endurance Improvement for Flash Storage Devices | 84 |