


【10月7日】Content Dissemination in Opportunistic Mobile Social Networks




Mobile Social Networks (MSNs) have become one

of the emerging wireless communication techniques due to

ubiquitous mobile devices, such as smartphones and pads,

and their inherent proximity-based sharing capability, such as

WiFi and Bluetooth. MSNs are originally developed to enable

mobile users to opportunistically exchange information via

social contacts even without permanent network connectivity

between users. To cope with nonpersistent connectivity in a MSNs, previous

studies proposed routing protocols to enhance the probability that

data would be delivered to the destinations. 


In this talk, we focus on two content disssemination issues in MSNs. This first one is 

the dissemination of advertising and multimedia

content; i.e., service providers might not know who would be interested

in the content objects (messages); therefore, they tend to

propagate the messages to every user in MSNs. 

The second one is that we discuss, in MSNs, how to opportunistically share

multimedia content among users based on their personal preferences.




Cheng-Fu Chou received the MS and PhD degrees from the University of Maryland, College Park, in 1999 and 2002, respectively. After his graduation, he joined the Computer Science and Information Engineering Department at the National Taiwan University, and is a professor now. He has been a visiting scholar in the Computer Science Department at the University of Southern California in 2002. His current research interests are in distributed multimedia systems, cloud computing, wireless networks, and their performance evaluation.

最後修改時間:2015-09-30 AM 9:02

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