Post date | Title | No. of reviews |
2013-09-18 | Exact Regenerating Codes for Byzantine Fault Tolerance in Distributed Storage | 83 |
2013-09-18 | 見證KKBOX數位音樂創業之路 | 84 |
2013-08-29 | Self-Adaptive Containers: Building Resource-Efficient Applications with Low Programmer Overhead | 84 |
2013-06-30 | 101學年度第2學期碩博班專題討論課程進行規則 | 79 |
2013-06-30 | 101學年度第二學期專題演講時程表 | 79 |
2013-06-19 | NAND-based SSD Storage System Design | 79 |
2013-05-29 | The Cross-Modal Method of Tag Labeling in Music Information Retrieval | 79 |
2013-05-22 | 雲端學習軟體的設計與開發 - 以MyET為例 | 81 |
2013-05-17 | Personalised Open Education for the Masses (POEM) | 80 |
2013-05-15 | Emotion-based Music Analysis and Beyond | 79 |