


Extend the Safety Shield - Building the Next Generation Vehicle

Invited Talks
Poster:Post date:2011-12-14
For the past decade, various safety systems have been realized by the
car manufacturers to reduce the number of accidents drastically.
However, the conventional approach has limited the classes of risks
which can be detected and handled by the safety systems to those which
have a line-of-sight path to the sensors installed on vehicles. In
this talk, I will propose the next-generation vehicle safety system,
which utilizes two fundamental technologies. The system gives out
warnings for the vehicle or the driver to react to potential risks in
a timely manner and extends the classes of risks which can be detected
by vehicles from only "risks which have appeared" to also "risks not
yet appear". Conceptually, this increases the size of the "safety
shield" of the vehicle, since most accidents caused by detectable
risks could be avoided. I will also present the related research
challenges in implementing such a system and some preliminary results
from the measurements we carried out at National Taiwan University.
Last modification time:2015-04-15 PM 4:52

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